
Can I put a course in more than one category?

Currently this is not possible. There are workarounds however. One suggested workaround (from the 2012 French speaking Moodle Moot and hightlighted here ) needs access to course/view.php. Use at your own risk:

Add the following code to course/view.php before the preload_course_contexts function: $is_admin = has_capability(‘moodle/site:config’, get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); if (!$is_admin && $course->idnumber) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot.’/course/view.php?id=’.$course->idnumber);} Then get the ID of the course you want to point to. Make a second course, and in its ID field add the ID of the course you want to point to.

When a user clicks the link to the second course, the first course will open up instead EXCEPT if you are the administrator (so you can edit if necessary)

Other solutions with ‘redirect’ can be found at the URL .

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