
Why can’t people (guests) take a quiz without creating an account and logging in?

This is difficult to implement for technical reasons.

To explain: The quiz has to link all information about an attempt to a particular ‘user’ record in the database, and each user can only have one open quiz attempt at a time. All not-logged-in users share the same ‘guest’ user database record. Therefore, two guests could not attempt the quiz at the same time, and even if they could, it would be difficult to prevent one guest seeing another guest’s attempts.

Of course, given enough work, it would be possible to change some of those assumptions, and so make it possible for guests to attempt quizzes. Indeed, some of the obstructions to implementing this have already been removed while doing other work on the quiz, but there is still some way to go.

A workaround is to create a visitor account, say with username = password = visitor, for everyone to share.

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